
Why choose a pelvic health physio?
Pelvic health physios have additional training and skills in assessing and treating the muscles and joints of the pelvis. We’re able to consider how the birth of your baby, your cough or cold, or your running technique may be affecting your pelvic floor, and we can help improve it. Just like sports physios are great for athletes and rehab physios can get you back on track after major surgery, pelvic health physios are there when you want to focus on your pelvic floor or bladder and bowel function. Consider who you would consult if you had a tooth ache – a GP, or a dentist?
"Pelvic health physios are there when you want to focus on your pelvic floor or bladder and bowel function"
How am I different?
I come to you. If your baby is having “one of those days” you don’t have to worry about how to manage them at the clinic, or the rain/cold/heat, or the explosive poo that arrives 5 minutes after they’re safely in the capsule (ask me about it!). If you are tired (ok – more tired than usual), don’t feel like getting dressed or your bub is feeding every hour that’s cool too. I know what is like to have to juggle a baby, a toddler and yourself.
I am working on my continence too. Yep, two beautiful children born vaginally can leave quite an impression! But I have travelled the roads that lead to a stronger, more flexible pelvic floor and that experience has made me a kinder, more compassionate physio. I’m still on my journey and it’s easier with a companion.
I want to hear your story and understand how you work. We are more than our injuries, medical conditions or jobs. We are complex, amazing individuals and we all do things differently. I want to know what you think will work for you and how the puzzle pieces I hold can fit in to complete parts of your jigsaw.
What do I do?
6-week postnatal checks of the pelvic floor and tummy. This doesn’t replace the review you have with your GP or specialist, but it does focus much more on what is actually going on. I can tell you how your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles are recovering, whether your pelvic organs have moved because of your birth experience and support you as you become more active.
Support for changes to bladder or bowel function. This might be urinary leakage (incontinence), rushing to get to the toilet or visiting the toilet a lot. Maybe you're frustrated by constipation or you’ve noticed that sometimes it’s hard to do a poo. It might happen all the time or only with certain activities or foods but the bottom line (no pun intended) is that these things are signs that something isn’t right.